What have I got in the works?
Writing: I'm plugging away on the next Danny DeVille adventure and it progresses slowly. Look for the finished book sometime this fall. There is a lot of research that goes into writing and sometimes the details get me bogged down. Since this adventure takes place in geosynchronous orbit, I've had to take a little more time to get the "science" part of my science fiction right.
Also I pulled out a couple of old manuscripts that had been languishing in my desk drawer, and I decided to freshen them up with the idea of publishing two space-opera novels by the end of the year. These romps take place near the Orion Nebula and are loaded with social commentary and high-adventure. The first one out will be called "The Belt Loop" and is a fast-paced action/adventure. The working title on the second one is "The Artifact" and both of these books should top out at about 100,000 words each.
On the art side, I've decided to clean off the drawing table and complete five unfinished pieces: The Hood, Lonely Road, Opposition, The Creator Has A Master Plan, and Galactic Code. In addition, maybe in the next five years I will finish Time and Space, a large format drawing that's been five years in the making.
Bobby The Demon is hard at work!
You had me at geosynchronous orbit.