jt kalnay (cleveland, ohio) - See all my reviews
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This review is from: The Belt Loop (Book Two) - Revenge of the Varson (Kindle Edition)
The Belt Loop (Book Two) Revenge of the Varson. The war between the Varsons and humans went very badly for the Varsons. But now, a decade later, they have a plan to achieve by subterfuge what they had been unable to gain through force of arms. The plot has been hatched by a brilliant and ruthless leader who single-handedly is relentlessly whipping the men and weapons of the Varson fleet into fighting trim. Captain Haad, XO Yorn, Chief Penny, and even stowaway Har Hansen have nursed the Corpus Christi back from their encounter with the Kreet worms just in time to land in the middle of the Varson plot. See what hapens when the irresistible force of revenge meets the immovable object of brains and bravery. Midshipman Hornblower, Master & Commander Aubrey, and Dr. Maturin would all feel right at home on board the Corpus Christi and at the Naval Headquarters where battles, intrigue, and traitors are confronted with bald-faced bravery. Keep 'em coming Sir! This series has a chance to be great...
JT Kalnay
Author of The Pattern and Mina's Eyes.
Thanks JT, always great to hear from the fans. (Book Two) (Book One)
Congrats on review, Robert!