Well, it's been a good month, haven't written anything other than emails and blog posts. I sorta like the idea of taking off the entire month of December. It gives me the chance to sort out old business, plot and plan new works for the coming year, and catch up on the things happening around the world. December is great for recaps, all of the media outlets blasting at me with their "important events" of the past year.
Which gives me a chance to reflect on my own year, and point out a few things: in 2011 I published four novels totalling 452,000 words. Maybe not in the same category as some of my more prolific fellow writers, but, for me, that's an all-time high. Lots of writing going on this year and more planned for 2012. I am getting the rights back for my first novel and expect a second edition of A Chip In Time to become available as an eBook around the first of February. Next on my list of things to do will be the fourth installment in The Belt Loop series, look for that to be done on April 1st. Then the third installment in the Danny DeVille future Las Vegas series (working title: The G.O.D. Machine) should hit around June and The Belt Loop (Book Five) is planned for an August release. Rounding out 2012 will be the sixth Belt Loop book, maybe by November 1st. Then it's the month of December 2012 to relax and let my fingers heal.
Detail of Mind Over Matter © 1983 R. Jones
Having set my course for next year, all I have to do now is stick with it. Make my MIND up to get it done, spend all of the available productive hours in the day on writing and more writing. Now, if I can only get the MATTER to cooperate.
Next post: A Chip In Time update.
Excellent, Robert! Very ambitious for 2012, but you can do it!