Monday, September 26, 2011

Book Cover

The Belt Loop (Book Two) is in the final stages and here is a look at the new cover created by my son Christopher A. Jones. Yeah, lots of battles in this one as things get serious in the Fringes. . .

Look for the new book on or around October 5th, 2011. Don't fall behind in your reading, get Book One today and start reading it so you'll be up to speed when the second installment hits. Action and adventure with a twist, things to keep you awake at night, a good read.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sneak Peek: The Belt Loop (Book Two)

      “We are at the re-building stage, Galnal. I know that as well as any. But my concern is focused on what we are re-building for. It took us, as a race, hundreds of tanuude to get where we were, masters of our domains in space, masters of this arm of the galaxy. It only took a couple of alien bombardments for us to lose that status. The people are not used to being told what to do, being told where to go, what is permitted travel, what is not. The humans did not elect to occupy any of our worlds which to me was a sign of weakness. Their blockade of our territorial space is thin and porous. What we do now must shape our future as a species, and that future should not be clouded by the ashes of war or the overbearing domination by another race.”
      “And I agree with what you just said. But until we can effectively find a way out of this bottle, find a way past the blockade, how do you see us regaining what we have lost?”
      Phatie grunted. “It is your lack of vision that disturbs me most, Galnal. You were appointed by the Orduud politicians; I reached my position by way of battles won. We seem to be at an impasse here about the future of the Malguur. Do you not agree?”
      “You seem to forget that I served in the Hyfuur campaign, eminence. My experiences there led me to where I am now.”
      Phatie stood quickly and yelled, “Your experiences on Hyfuur! What a joke! What did you do, Galnal, hop the first ship out of the system when the bombs started to destroy your birthplace? You certainly didn’t rally any resistance to the incoming Elber Fleet.”
      Galnal stood and leaned in. “What you say is pure rubbish. We were outnumbered and our ships were no match against the humans. I did what was necessary to survive, as did many.”
      This insubordinate geluur, thought Phatie, summoning up the most outlandish curse he could think of. He reached down and opened one of his desk drawers. When his three-fingered hand came out of the drawer it was holding a high-powered projectile weapon. “Survive this,” he said casually as he pulled the trigger.
      A loud report filled the room and Fleet Uurgud Wan Galnal grabbed at his chest. His hand almost disappeared into the gaping wound. He looked at his eminence with a quizzical stare before he crumpled to the floor, his ceremonial sword making a clattering racket as it fell with him.
     Phatie walked around the desk and kicked the sword away with his boot. “You’re not fit to wear this, not even in death,” he said.

The above dialogue takes place between the Supreme Military Commander of the Malguurian Armed Forces and one of his underlings. Things didn't go well for poor Wan Galnal.

When asked later by one of his staff members how Ganal took his demotion, Bale Phatie replied:

      “He took it in the chest.”

Look for Book Two to be published before the 10th of October.

Tomorrow's post: The new cover by Christopher A. Jones (my son, Yay!)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Update: The Belt Loop (Book Two)

I've been very busy the last two weeks getting the second installment of The Belt Loop ready for publishing. It should be right around 100,000 words and continues the saga from the first book.

Lot's of interesting things in this story, as much of it is told from the other side: the alien perspective. Needless to say, the Varson Empire is not a happy place to be. Humiliated in their short war with the humans some ten years back, the Varson plot and plan their retribution against the Second Fleet of Elber Prime and the action is non-stop and riveting.

And, as is typical of stories from the twisted left-side of my brain, there are a lot of plot twists and the tale eventually comes to a rousing finish with a lot of sustained battles taking place between the warring fleets.

I am hoping the book will be ready sometime during the first week in October, 2011, depending how much time is devoted to edits and re-writes.

Nest post: Excerpt from The Belt Loop (Book Two): The Varson Uprising.

The Omega Point © 2000 R. Jones

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

New Month, New Challenges

Okay, here I am again, looking at a new month. Last month was a rush, getting the new novel done and published, and I expect this month will be even busier. Now that I have pretty much all the time in the world to write I find that it is a good way to pass the time and it satisfies my creative compulsions.

I talked to my illustrator (my son Christopher) and detailed what the next book cover should look like. I gave him a month to work on it and I hope to have The Belt Loop (Book Two) finished sometime in the first week of October. Yeah, I know, a little ahead of schedule. But why wait? I want to strike while the iron is hot and since Book One is selling well (for me, anyway) I figured that a quick-released sequel will further cement my vision of the Loop into my readers' minds. Can't hurt. As usual, the new chapter in this space-opera will be loaded with action, humor, and plot twists. Amazing, huh?

Zero-Gee Plumbing © 2007 R. Jones

Friday, September 2, 2011

In The Works

I am really encouraged by the initial success of  The Belt Loop (Book One). The five-star review went a long way to help push the book up the sales chart and I look forward to another super month of writing and reading.

At this juncture, with two manuscripts in the formative stage, I've decided to put The GOD Machine on hold until I finish the second book in the space opera series. Now that the characters have been fully developed and the story line firmly established, writing the sequel will be a piece of cake. I'm already 15,000 words deep into the story of Book Two and the opening part, the first seven chapters paint a very dismal picture from the other side of the canvas -- from the alien's perspective.

They are not pleased with the defeat handed them by the Second Fleet of Elber Prime over ten years ago. So they plot, they plan, they get really hyper and seek revenge. Having three planets destroyed by atomic weapons from orbit will tend to do that to a species.

The Belt Loop (Book One)